“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
– Proverbs 19:17
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a global laity organization comprised of dedicated Christian men and women, with approximately 1,000,000 members worldwide. Our mission is deeply rooted in Catholic Charity Initiative, where we strive to bear witness to Christ’s teachings by serving the poor and needy, bringing social justice and the true charity of friendship to those facing adversity.
Our work is a living embodiment of the Gospel in Action, as we humbly endeavor to alleviate hunger, thirst, homelessness, loneliness, and provide care and compassion in the spirit of Christian charity. We extend an earnest appeal to all to join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
To bear witness to Christ by serving the poor and needy through Catholic Charity Initiative.
The core purpose and goal of our Society is to identify individuals in need and offer them the assistance they require.
Housing: Providing new homes and supporting rehabilitation and development efforts.
Education: Assisting with access to education and supporting moral education for underdeveloped communities.
Healthcare: Covering hospitalization expenses, serious illness and surgery costs, and general medical expenses.
Empowerment: Funding initiatives such as nursing education, self-employment for orphans, and supporting rescue homes and orphanages.
Financial Aid: Offering financial assistance to poor families, aiding in marriage expenses for impoverished brides, supporting self-employment opportunities, and providing relief from debt burdens and foreclosure.